protecting people and the environment
protection of people and the environment is a fundamental value that we will not compromise

Protecting the Earth’s natural resources is important to Chevron, and our environmental policies stress open dialogue with our community neighbors. We believe that all incidents and injuries are preventable, and our employees intend to lead the industry in our Operational Excellence through safe, reliable, efficient, and environmentally sound operations.
Protecting the environment is as important to Chevron as providing the energy sources so essential to improving our quality of life. Our goal is to be recognized and admired everywhere for having a record of environmental excellence.
Chevron’s values, business strategies and field operations reflect the highest possible environmental standards, which are built on a long history of going beyond local requirements to protect people and the environment. We guide our actions through our Operational Excellence Management System (OEMS) principles.

At Chevron’s Pascagoula Refinery, our employees have a special appreciation for the environmental uniqueness of the Gulf Coast because it’s where we live and raise our families. We believe that the best way to prevent environmental problems is with pollution prevention and source control and to train personnel in all operational, safety and environmental aspects of refining.
The Refinery has over 30 employees and contractors working full-time in our Environmental Team, and we teach Refinery employees about environmental regulations and the importance of being alert to any problem.
Our environmental policies stress open dialogue with our community, and we encourage comments and questions from our neighbors in Jackson County and throughout the Gulf Coast area. Please contact us by e-mail at
learn more about what we are doing

spill prevention and preparedness
the refinery maintains an oil spill response team and regularly conducts drills

protecting wetlands and forestlands
the coexistence of wildlife with our refinery operations is a tremendous source of pride for us

conserving natural resources
chevron pascagoula refinery has a comprehensive program to conserve natural resources